Donate or sponsor a gift box for a cancer patient.
$50 will make a difference!!
Donate to support our missionand our Wellness Wagon Campaign-bringing holistic remedies and
resources to the community.
Hey everyone, we were interviewed for channel 25's Positively Massachusetts segment: Twins launch charity after surviving breast cancer check out this video.


Our Story
We are identical twins who share birth dates, physical attributes, and a love and friendship that is unmatched, but what unites us in this cause is a shared battle against breast cancer. Michelle battled with great success 10 years ago and Nancy was diagnosed and has been battling since Sept. 2020. We have the incredible support of our mother, siblings, extended family, friends, and the community. All of this support has helped us to stay positive, hopeful and healthy, but we know it is a life long battle. We grew up in Walpole and Norfolk, Ma and attended King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham. Michelle and my entire family still live in Massachusetts and Nancy has moved to Vermont. Our mission is to unite local communities in Massachusetts and Vermont to help us help others to fight cancer with holistic, natural, and organic remedies. We spent years fighting for each other and we now want to fight for others!

Mother Teresa
“Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin.”
Mother Teresa

Contact Sisters United Against Cancer, Inc. 5013c
Get in touch with Sisters United Against Cancer, Inc. 5013c to learn more about our work and how you can get involved. We are committed to providing and promoting natural remedies and resources to give hope and healing to those battling cancer.
P.O. Box 143
Bethel, VT

Upcoming Events
- Upcoming Event-Date TBDLocation is TBD

Wellness Walk Oct. 2021
Walpole, Ma.
Thank you to all who came to walk in memory of loved ones or in support of someone battling cancer.

How are we making A difference?
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Donating fit bits and footwear to a local children's hospital-pediatric oncology floor.
Sharing our journey of cancer treatment with Pre-Med students at Dartmouth college.
Donating gift boxes to people battling cancer.